
I'm Sharon.

Hey, I’m Sharon! I’m so grateful you are here!

Just a disclaimer, I’m not here to pretend my life is perfect and that I’m this self-help guru who is confident 24/7 because I’m really not.

Actually, I was the very opposite of confident growing up.

In 2nd grade, I peed my pants in school because I was too scared to speak up to tell my teacher that I really needed to go even though it wasn’t break time yet.

See, I was a small, shy, quiet little kid who was born in Seoul, South Korea.



I started to gain more confidence when I joined the cheerleading team and we went on to become the most successful sports team in our high school.

But my cheerleading career sadly ended with a broken arm and two metal rods being permanently placed in my arm.

Sometimes when you dream big and aim high, you fall and break an arm on the way.

But now these scars on my arm remind me that I wasn’t afraid to throw myself up there (literally) and I came out with more self confidence and also with a great story to tell at parties (I usually make up a story that the scars are from me fighting off a bad guy with my bare hands~ You’ll be surprise by how many people actually believe me!).


My life has just been a pattern of what can be achieved when there is simply a desire to grow, hard work, and a little bit of faith to not let the voice of fear be louder than the voice of truth.

It’s never been about being perfect, but about being willing to be used in the midst of my imperfections as I  simply lean in to my passion to encourage, inspire, and to empower other people.

Although I’m still growing as a person everyday, I have my eyes set on a vision of how I can best use what I have in my hands (talents, passion, and opportunities) to make the most impact on this world in a way that seems the most authentic to who I am. Right now, I’m doing this by providing life coaching for millennials who are unsure of what their next steps are in life but are ready to start pursuing their dreams.

My journey of coaching started by accident when I hit my quarter-life crisis and I decided to quit my job, move to Bali, and jump all in to the world of entrepreneurship.

Since then, I’ve been a speaker for a Lady Boss event in Bali, Indonesia, ran a vision workshop in Jeju Island, South Korea, and have coached millennials all around the world find clarity in life and take action on their big dreams.



“You are exactly where you need to be today."

Life is not always easy and navigating through a season of life that seems foggy, confusing, and directionless can be really tough.

I believe you are here because you are an ambitious soul with a desire to achieve big things in life. Being a big dreamer myself, I know how difficult it can be when you have the desire but are unsure of the how.

But I just want to encourage you that you are exactly where you need to be today. Take a breather and have some time to sit down and get to know who you are.  Seek clarity in all areas of your life and surround yourself with people who will support you on this journey.

And also, embrace the time being lost because it cultivates creativity. It’s in the discomfort where we are challenged the most to grow, and to think outside the box. 

"Embrace the time being lost because it cultivates creativity."

You have something special in you that you can offer to this world because you are you. 

Yes, it takes courage, but if you want want to change the world and make a lasting impact, it’s going to take you stepping into the most authentic version of who you are. All the pains, mistakes, the flaws, the failures, it all makes a great, inspiring story of a person who DESPITE the challenges, never gave up. So know the power of your own story! 

If you are alive today, it’s because God is not done with you yet! 

My hope here is that I can provide as many resources and support to whoever is ready to take their life to the next level and can use the help of a trained life coach to walk with them step-by-step through the process of gaining more self awareness, breaking through limiting beliefs, implementing success habits, and turning their big dream into an actionable plan.

Thank you for being here and I’m excited for who you are becoming!

Much love,


"Know the power of your own story."

Trying to figure life out?

Send me a message! 🙂